
Hoskas, enormous herd animals, originated from the Essowyn plains, link text where Saurtons hunted them. Additionally, they were farmed as a food source on Agamar. These Hoskas congregated in herds numbering thousands, migrating and stampeding across the plains, devouring and crushing all in their wake.

Biology and Appearance

These massive, four-legged ungulates, the Hoskas, stood almost three meters tall at the shoulder and could achieve speeds of 15 kilometers per hour. While predominantly black, the hoska population displayed a variety of colors, including brown, tan, yellow, light red, and even white. Every one of these gigantic beasts possessed a pair of pointed horns, used to impale anything obstructing their path.

Lacking in intelligence, Hoskas wouldn't evade risks or perils; even if dozens of herd members perished, the remaining animals would continue forward without thinking. Furthermore, they were easily startled: the instant one animal was frightened and started to flee, the entire herd would follow suit. Stampedes were known to be triggered by lightning, meteorite strikes, the smell of terecons, and even the sound of a blaster firing.

