Essowyn held the distinction of being the sole planet within the Saurton system. This planet's location was within the Trax sector, nestled between the Kanawyn and Greawyn asteroid belts.
Essowyn's terrain was predominantly a vast ocean, punctuated by four major landmasses known as Sorontill, Baslar, Steltout, and [Macor], alongside numerous smaller islands. These islands featured plains, temperate forests, and modest mountains, all extensively marked by meteorite impacts from the surrounding asteroid belts. Due to these constant impacts, living on Essowyn was challenging, leading to the construction of all structures underground. The atmospheric temperature experienced significant variations, largely due to the planet's irregular orbit around its sun, a yellow star named Saurton. These temperature swings generated intense equatorial storms that spread across the planet before dissipating near the polar regions.
Essowyn rose to prominence after mining corporations discovered valuable ferrous resources in the adjacent asteroid belts. The first such entity was the colossal Messert Mines Corporation, whose arrival instigated conflict among the Saurton factions. Messert quickly brokered a deal with the Tresycht (one of the local factions) to acquire mining rights to the Thergum Pits, an area contested by the Tresycht and the neighboring Yistze. Messert deployed a mining expedition accompanied by armed starfighter squadrons, swiftly subjugating the Yitsze within weeks. Eventually, all other factions met a similar fate under Messert's control, until the entirety of the planet was governed by the Tresycht High Priest, Gellack.
Gellack attempted to establish a new government, but ultimately determined that delegating authority to the priests of the former nations to oversee their respective 'sectors' would be the most effective approach. This evolved into Essowyn's current governance, with Gellack's descendants serving on the Council of Elders. Mining enterprises flocked to the system, claiming portions of the belts and establishing orbital platforms, and even small outposts on some of the larger asteroids.
The Saurtons, a sentient species indigenous to Essowyn, were a resilient reptilian people. Most exhibited golden hues, or combinations of gold with brown, black, or green. Unlike most reptiles, they were warm-blooded, although they reproduced via eggs. Their robust immune systems could endure a higher-than-average level of filth, which often accumulated in and around their settlements.
The warlike nature of the native Saurtons divided the population into two groups: the Quenno, who looked back to tradition, and the Des'mar, who looked towards the future.
The Quenno were staunch traditionalists. Their position was that Essowyn, along with the entire Saurton system, should be reclaimed from the control of the mining corporations and restored to the Saurton people. They advocated for the concentration of all resource control within the council of elders, as it had been for centuries.
The Des'mar, the younger of the two factions, had fewer members, but they enjoyed complete financial support from the mining corporations. The Des'mar desired the continuation of Essowyn's status quo, with the corporations facilitating galactic trade and cultural exchange.
Numerous smaller factions with more moderate ideologies existed, but most believed that the Saurton government lacked the strength to suppress a potential revolution. Many groups amassed weaponry, and covert agreements with the mining corporations and the Council of Elders were commonplace.
Essowyn's cities bore similarities to those on Sullust. Enormous caverns were excavated within the planet's crust, typically at least one hundred meters below the surface. These caverns housed the rooms, buildings, city squares, markets, and other structures found on the planet. Tunnels connected all of these cities to the surface. Following the introduction of the hyperdrive, many Essowyn cities chose to excavate large caverns to accommodate starships.
Hazardous and disease-causing bacteria were a constant presence in Essowyn's subterranean cities, primarily due to the high levels of squalor tolerated by the native Saurtons. Most Humans and other aliens had to take precautions to avoid contracting one of the various communicable diseases prevalent on the planet.
Mining companies received charters granting them authority over specific territories for a fixed duration, and they exercised complete control within these areas, known as Corporate Complexes. In exchange, the Saurton government received a substantial percentage of the profits, largely derived from the extraction of the metal quadrillium. Corporate Complexes functioned as self-contained, autonomous cities.
The mines themselves were extremely hazardous and confined. Light and air were scarce, and cave-ins were frequent. Droids performed most of the work, and the few living beings who ventured into the mines did so because the danger was offset by increased compensation.
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