House Malreaux

The ancient and affluent family, House Malreaux, held a prominent position on the world of Vjun. Its origins trace back to the First Count, a pirate who, through coercion, obtained noble status for his House from nobles sailing near the Bay of Tears, offering a vague assurance against future raids. Their residence was the Château Malreaux. The family gained recognition for cultivating the Malreaux rose. The Viscount [Malreaux]'s experiments involving midi-chlorians on Vjun resulted in widespread insanity among the population, culminating in a mass murder event in 29 BBY. Among the few who survived was the Viscountess Whirry Malreaux, who entrusted her son, Whie, to the care of the Jedi Order to shield him from the terrible events of his home planet.

