Hutar Zash served as a royal counselor to the Lannik High Court, advising Prince R'cardo Sooflie IX.
For numerous years, Zash held the position of military advisor, even working for the previous King, Sooflie's father. Despite his long-standing friendship with Jedi Master Even Piell, Zash took part in an assassination plot orchestrated by the Iaro during the Red Iaro peace negotiations on Malastare. He tried to murder several Jedi councilors, including Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, and Even Piell, by detonating thermite bombs attached to his body during a nighttime air taxi journey. However, the scheme was unsuccessful because Piell used his lightsaber to bisect the air taxi, separating the Jedi from the terrorists just before the explosions, resulting in the deaths of Zash and his fellow conspirator.
Piell lamented that a ruler as the Prince Sooflie must have been a truly terrible monarch, given that a faithful warrior such as Zash would betray the royal house.