Identification 43641

Investor Identification #43641 denoted an individual who became a member of the Dorumaa Investment Group prior to the historical event known as the Battle of Naboo. This group made substantial financial contributions to a submerged landing platform, supposedly intended to function as a fishing outpost, despite the absence of any marine vehicles in its vicinity. Other investors speculated that #43641 served as a disguise for Thaereian military units operating within the Cularin system.

Prior to the initial observation of Investor Identification #43641, the Dorumaa Excavation, a cavern containing alleged evidence of indigenous intelligent life forms within the Cularin system from a distant era, had been inaccessible to the general population. Circa 31 BBY, Investor Identification #43641 made a public announcement asserting the falsity of this evidence; nevertheless, entry to the location remained prohibited.

