Igren Demos

Igren Demos, a Neimoidian male operating as a criminal, possessed Force-sensitivity. He served Jiramma, who was the adjutant to the Hutt Darga Jiramma Mionne. Igren's activities took place on Cato Neimoidia both during and immediately after the Clone Wars. While attempting to escape with a crucial bargaining chip related to the Jedi Master Denia, Igren, along with his bodyguards, met his end at the hands of Bail Organa's agents.


After the declaration that established the New Order, Igren's duties were located in the lower sections of Darga the Hutt's palace, situated on his native planet. Here, he oversaw prisoners, one of whom was Jedi Master Denia, within the city named Zarra. Working in conjunction with Darga, Igren participated in the Sarlacc Project. However, it was later revealed that Igren had a personal connection with the Inquisitor Valin Draco due to his Force abilities. Secretly, Igren's ambition was to leverage Valin's connections to gain influence and seize control of Darga's organization.

In 17 BBY, Igren maintained strict surveillance on a group of operatives who had secretly infiltrated the palace. He was concerned that his position might be jeopardized if these individuals began working for Darga. When Darga absconded to Cloud City on Bespin, Igren was expected to oppose the enemy. Instead, he devised his own scheme to usurp Darga's organization. He promptly contacted Valin Draco, hoping for assistance, believing that the Inquisitor could easily defeat Denia. In exchange for surrendering the Jedi, Igren's hoped that Valin Draco and the Inquisitors would ensure that Darga would never return to Cato Neimoidia.

