Denia, a Human Jedi Master of the female gender, dedicated her life to the service of both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. Despite her considerable age, she held the rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic during the tumultuous era of the Clone Wars.
Identified as a Force-sensitive individual, Denia, a Human of the female persuasion, was discovered by the Jedi Order. She then underwent education in the ways of the Force at the academy situated within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Through dedicated study and contemplation of the Force as a diplomat, she eventually achieved the esteemed rank of Jedi Master and became one of the select few Jedi to attain the title of Sage Master. She chose the Human male Valin Draco to be her Padawan, imparting all her knowledge of the Force to him. When the Clone Wars erupted between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Denia, already middle-aged for a Jedi, reported to Coruscant. Despite her advanced years for a Human, she dutifully accepted the position of General in the Grand Army of the Republic, leading clone troopers in battle against the Separatist Droid Army. Near the war's conclusion, Master Ashka Boda contacted Denia, seeking Jedi assistance in establishing a clandestine network to guide Jedi survivors of the Separatist attack on Almas back to Coruscant. Denia's assignment was Cato Neimoidia, where she would serve under High Council member Plo Koon during the battle for that world. In the midst of combat, a Vulture droid crashed nearby, rendering Denia unconscious. A general from the Separatist Army discovered her and, after drugging her, had her transported to a nearby palace. The Clone Wars then came to an abrupt end with the elimination of the Separatist Council and the Republic's transformation into the victorious Galactic Empire. The Separatists, defeated, abandoned the palace and Cato Neimoidia, leaving Denia in an induced coma within its walls.
Shortly after the war, Darga the Hutt and his minions occupied the palace where Denia lay. Upon finding Denia, the Hutt decided to keep the middle-aged woman as a potential bargaining chip and had her moved to the subbasements, where Igren Demos maintained her comatose state. During Darga's reign, a group of anti-Imperial freedom fighters infiltrated the palace on a mission for Senator Bail Organa of the Imperial Senate. Despite her coma, Denia reached out to the rebels through the Force, guiding them to her location. The rebels deactivated the machines sustaining her coma, awakening her, and she expressed her gratitude. After informing her of the Republic's fall and the dissolution of the Jedi Order, the group discovered that Darga had fled upon hearing of Denia's escape. Eavesdropping on Demos' conversation with an Imperial Inquisitorius member via the HoloNet, the group escaped the palace, bringing Denia to the Resurgence for medical attention.
Once aboard the ship, Denia received healing and was approached by Senator Organa, who offered her a place in his secret movement, the Alderaanian Resistance. She accepted, determined to thwart Darga the Hutt and his sinister Sarlacc Project. Entering a deep meditative state, Denia found the Force clouded and her ability to foresee diminished. Concluding that a holocron would enhance her abilities, Denia and her allies planned a journey to the ruins of the Almas Academy in the Cularin system. Despite believing that many artifacts had likely been stolen, the Force drew her to the world, and using coordinates provided by Senator Organa, Denia dispatched her companions to the ruins.
Upon their return with the Qornah Holocron, Denia was troubled by reports that Valin Draco, now an Inquisitor of the Empire, was alive and responsible for attacking the group. Entering a deep trance, she sent her comrades on another mission related to the Sarlacc Project. While she meditated, the Resurgence was attacked and destroyed. Denia, a survivor of the attack, was captured by her former Padawan, Valin Draco. Imprisoned on the Deep Core world Prakith, Denia was held within the Citadel Inquisitorius by Draco, who soon grew weary of torturing the aged Jedi Master. Refusing to divulge any information about Organa's organization, Denia was near comatose when her rebel allies infiltrated the Citadel and found her chamber. Bound to the torture rack, Denia seemed unable to act as Draco attempted to eliminate her before targeting her allies. However, she redirected Draco's bolts of Force lightning back at him and unleashed a potent Force attack, enabling her companions to escape. The immense strength she expended in this confrontation cost her her life, but she willingly sacrificed herself to save Organa's followers and their cause.