Ilic, found in New Cov, served as its primary city. A protective dome was constructed over it, shielding its residents from predatory plant life.
Raiders frequently plundered Ilic, reportedly backed by either the Galactic Empire or the Corporate Sector Authority, to extract biomolecular resources as a type of levy.
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Ilic, the capital of New Cov, became the location where members of Garm Bel Iblis's movement convened with Bothan supporters of the Rebel Alliance. The rebel figure Garm Bel Iblis operated a covert enterprise known as Amethyst Shipping & Storage within Ilic, utilizing it to provision his clandestine headquarters, Peregrine's Nest.

During the Thrawn campaign, another Imperial raid on Illic exposed undeniable links between the Bothans and Bel Iblis. On this occasion, two New Republic officers, specifically Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, were also present. After they persuaded Bel Iblis to align with the nascent Republic, he ceased utilizing Illic and New Cov.