Imperial–Trade Federation treaty

In the year 19 BBY, a significant agreement was formalized between the Galactic Empire and the Trade Federation. This occurred following the Clone Wars and the Mission to Mustafar on Koto-Si, which served as the capital of Neimoidia. Sentepeth Findos, the then-Viceroy, was compelled to sign it, under duress.

Subsequently, the Galactic Empire initiated the liquidation of the Trade Federation, although its legal standing persisted under the watch of the Imperial Senate.


The agreement mandated that the Galactic Empire would have access to the Trade Federation's resources. As part of the imperialization process, the Trade Federation was required to transfer its various components to Imperial control, all while being monitored by the Imperial Senate.

However, the Trade Federation was granted a specific allowance during the allocation of assets to the Empire. This was due to the Federation's demonstrated history in commerce as its operations were gradually phased out during the Imperial Period.

