Sentepeth Findos

Sentepeth Findos, a Neimoidian from Legends continuity, assumed the role of acting Viceroy for the Trade Federation after the Clone Wars concluded. In 19 BBY, he transferred the Federation's control to the newly formed Galactic Empire.


During the siege of Cato Neimoidia, Findos held the rank of lieutenant within the Separatist Droid Army. He issued an order to deploy additional B1-series battle droids against the Jedi Master, Kit Fisto.

Following the deaths of Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, and Rute Gunnay on Mustafar, Findos was elevated to the position of acting Viceroy of the Trade Federation.

On Neimoidia, the viceroy resisted the Empire for a short period. However, stormtroopers compelled him to sign a treaty that ceded all Trade Federation resources to Emperor Palpatine in 19 BBY, marking the end of the Clone Wars. Subsequently, a squad of stormtroopers escorted him to an undisclosed location. Despite this, Customs Vizier Marath Vooro, a Trade Federation official, opposed the viceroy's decision and fought against the Empire until his capture at Hook Nebula.

