Aruteous Gunnay

Aruteous "Rute" Gunnay was a male Neimoidian who belonged to the Trade Federation. He operated as an aide and trusted advisor for both Viceroy Nute Gunray and Settlement Officer Rune Haako during the last years of the Galactic Republic.


Aruteous Gunnay, a male Neimoidian, possessed extensive knowledge of biochemical warfare, a field in which the Trade Federation utilized. During the era of the Clone Wars, Gunnay's expertise was put to use at the Separatist station known as Nod Kartha. Following his escape from a battle that resulted in a Republic victory, Gunnay joined the staff of Nute Gunray, serving as an advisor to the Viceroy, a prominent figure within the Separatist Council throughout the Clone Wars. After the death of Count Dooku, he accompanied the Council, along with other members of Gunray's group, to Mustafar. There, the Separatist leaders established a base of operations within an old mining facility. With the demise of General Grievous on Utapau, Darth Sidious, the Confederacy's ally, contacted the Council and instructed them to accept his new apprentice, Darth Vader. Upon Vader's arrival, the Sith Lord secured all entryways within the main chamber and activated his lightsaber. Unbeknownst to the Separatist leaders, Sidious was actually Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Galactic Republic. Sidious, having manipulated both sides for his own gain, had no further need for the Council. Vader swiftly made short work of the guards, droids, Council members, and their assistants, striking down Gunnay with a fatal lightsaber blow across his chest. His lifeless body was later observed alongside that of Nute Gunray, who had also been slain.

Behind the scenes

Colin Ware played Aruteous Gunnay, the same actor who also portrayed Lushros Dofine in the movie.

In the "Assassination to Mustafar" level of the Revenge of the Sith video game, four Neimoidians share the same appearance as Aruteous Gunnay.

The name of Gunnay is a modification of Nute Gunray's name, likely originating from the incorrect identification of the anonymous Neimoidian aide in tan robes as Nute Gunray in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary. This error was partially corrected in Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, where he was named "Rute Gunray." It remains unclear whether this was intended to establish a familial relationship with Nute Gunray. However, in Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars, he is correctly identified as 'Rute Gunnay'.

The facemask worn by Daultay Dofine was repurposed for Aruteous Gunnay's character.

In 2014, the character's complete first name, Aruteous, was revealed in Rogues Gallery: The Devious Neimoidians Revealed, an article by Tim Veekhoven, Kevin Beentjes, and Sander de Lange for the 147th issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine. Leland Chee requested this name, preferring an actual name over a simple anagram of Nute Gunray.

