Vessels for Imperial Cargo: These starships served the Galactic Empire by transporting critical military resources.
This cargo ship design was derived from a significantly altered Acclamator-class assault ship that remained from the era of the Clone Wars, incorporating supplementary thrusters and a redesigned external hull. To maximize cargo capacity, the ships had a large number of their weapon systems removed.

After the cessation of conflict between the Galactic Empire and the remnants of the Separatist Alliance, a number of Acclamator-class ships underwent conversion into cargo and supply transports. This action was consistent with the Empire's strategy of repurposing and adapting technology to fulfill its new responsibilities in maintaining order following the war.
During a convoy operation in 0 ABY, four of these vessels were hijacked by the Rebel Alliance; the ships and their contents were seized by the Alliance. Later on, they were destroyed during an engagement with Imperial forces in a battle.