Relay Outpost V-798 of the Imperial Navy served as a communications hub. This station was situated on the planet of Vaal, found within the Outer Rim Territories, and was the nearest such installation to Yavin 4 under the control of the Galactic Empire. During the Battle of Yavin, its personnel consisted of three troopers: Sergeant Reybn, Privitt, and another unnamed soldier. Due to its isolated location, the soldiers developed a very casual approach to their duties, which included blaster target practice on rocks during work hours. They also became quite sure that the Empire had lost track of them. This belief, however, would lead to their demise. Following the destruction of the initial Death Star, Darth Vader crash-landed his damaged starfighter. He then journeyed to the outpost, leading a group of wild animals after becoming their leader by killing the previous one. Observing the crew's lack of discipline, the Sith Lord silently commandeered the outpost's shuttle, leaving the station's inhabitants to be slaughtered by the beasts that had trailed him. Upon his arrival on Coruscant, he issued an order for a vessel to recover his starfighter and to deploy a fresh crew to the Vaal outpost.