The Imperial Academy of Yinchorr, also known as the Imperial Royal Guard Academy, was a training institution created by the Galactic Empire on the planet Yinchorr. Its purpose was to prepare individuals for service in the Emperor's Royal Guard. In addition, it served as a training ground for officers of the riot stormtroopers and other divisions of the stormtrooper corps; their instruction took place within the complex surrounding the Imperial Guard academy. Due to the significance of the Emperor's Royal Guard and their connection to the academy, details regarding its location were strictly confidential. Even Imperial Military officers with sufficient rank to access the Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, the official operational manual for the Empire's military, were unlikely to possess the necessary clearance to know anything beyond basic information about the academy. Upon completing their studies, graduates of the Academy were obligated to take the Oath of Obedience.
During the year-long training regimen, recruits engaged in constant sparring to hone their combat abilities. By practicing both independently and in pairs, recruits learned to depend on themselves or a comrade for success, which differed from the squad-based stormtrooper training on Carida. Failure during training frequently resulted in death. As their final examination, trainees battled each other to the bitter end in an arena called "The Squall" before Palpatine himself. Only a select few survived this ultimate trial, demonstrating their unwavering loyalty and exceptional skills.
The comic series Star Wars: Crimson Empire marked the debut of the Imperial Royal Guard Academy. The in-game databank entry for "Riot Trooper" in the Wikipedia:PlayStation 3/Xbox 360 versions of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, a video game by LucasArts released in 2010, first mentioned an "Imperial Academy of Yinchorr". However, it wasn't until the publication of the 2014 Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide that the connection between the two was officially established.