Imperial Salvage Station

An Imperial Salvage Station served the Galactic Empire's purposes by retrieving what remained of the DS-1 Orbital Battle Station following its destruction during the Yavin system conflict. Major Reskik of the Imperial Security Bureau was placed in charge of this Salvage Station.


This Imperial Salvage Station, situated in orbit around the planet Yavin Prime, was established for the purpose of gathering, categorizing, and scrutinizing the wreckage of the initial Death Star battle station. Its creation was intended to facilitate the recovery of debris and to sustain an Imperial presence within the system, even after the significant victory achieved by the Rebellion at the Battle of Yavin.

Major Reskik of the Imperial Security Bureau headed the salvage team that manned the station. The team was primarily composed of civilian engineers dispatched by the major defense contractors responsible for submitting the primary system designs for the Death Star project, with the Empire supplying additional zero-G work crews.

Surprisingly, a substantial Imperial force was also stationed on board, considering the mission's relatively small scale. This force included three squadrons of TIE/LN starfighters—including six bombers—and a battalion of stormtroopers—complete with a fully equipped heavy weapons unit.


The Salvage Station utilized a modular design, a common feature in the Outer Rim and frequently employed by the Galactic Empire in their operations. Transported to Yavin aboard a Star Destroyer, the station was assembled in orbit. It featured multiple docking bays and a directional beacon.


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