
Reskik was a male Human hailing from the Grandeel system. He held the rank of Major within the Imperial Security Bureau serving under Palpatine's New Order.


Before joining the Imperial Academy, Major Reskik, a male Human, spent his formative years on a Grandeel fish farm. While a competent student, Reskik discovered that appearing harmless and lacking ambition was advantageous for advancement. He developed both self-defense skills and a vengeful nature towards those who wronged him. After working in the Imperial Army's bureaucracy for some time, he received his first command: the Imperial Salvage Station located in the Yavin system, where he was tasked with recovering debris from the destroyed DS-1 Orbital Battle Station.

Reskik preferred not to advertise his position, keeping the true purpose of his assignment secret. Although the salvage operation was publicly visible, the major concealed his military force. Reskik was satisfied knowing that he could enforce Imperial authority within the system, and he believed that a hands-off approach would boost worker productivity and potentially ensnare unsuspecting members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Personality and traits

With brown hair, Reskik was a stocky, slightly overweight individual. Despite his unassuming appearance, his ruthless nature became apparent quickly. However, Reskik possessed a sense of fairness and could be accommodating if he believed it would benefit him. But, if someone crossed him, he would go to extreme lengths to seek retribution.

Skills and abilities

Reskik received training in the use of a blaster and was proficient in unarmed combat. He possessed significant knowledge of bureaucratic procedures and business practices, and he was well-versed in law enforcement techniques, particularly those pertaining to Imperial law. Reskik was also a capable commander and pilot.


Reskik was equipped with a blaster, a comlink, and wore the standard Imperial uniform.


Notes and references
