In Triplicate

"In Triplicate," a concise comic narrative, initially appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic 6.3. Subsequently, it was republished within Star Wars: The Clone Wars Magazine 2.

Plot summary

Anakin Skywalker is on a search in the undercity of Coruscant, looking for Senator Padmé Amidala, who had been abducted earlier that day. A flashback sequence reveals Yoda informing Skywalker that Amidala was scheduled to deliver a vital address to galvanize the Senate the following day, and her absence could lead to disarray. Yoda suggests that the Separatists are responsible, and tasks Skywalker with finding Amidala. Skywalker promptly agrees, acknowledging the importance of the mission, as Amidala is the most skilled diplomat of her time, and, in his heart, his wife. When Ahsoka Tano approaches him after the meeting with Yoda, he explains that he must undertake this mission alone.

Left to his own devices, Skywalker begins his investigation into the kidnapping, reviewing holoprojector recordings and intimidating criminals with his lightsaber. He eventually extracts crucial information from one of them: the location of the Burning Rancors, a band of hired pirates. Upon arriving at their base, he determines that Amidala would only be there if she had been kidnapped. He proceeds to infiltrate the base, incapacitating guards one by one, using the Force to distract two, subduing another with a punch from his prosthetic hand, and swiftly defeating six more who attempt to ambush him.

Shortly thereafter, Skywalker overhears two guards arguing through a ventilation shaft. The guards are in disagreement - each has captured a woman they believe is Amidala, and each is convinced that theirs is the real Amidala, while the other has captured an imposter. One of the guards mentions that Count Dooku orchestrated Amidala's kidnapping. Anakin, having heard enough, drops from the shaft to confront the two guards, throwing them across the room using the Force. The two women, still restrained, inquire if it is truly Skywalker. He confirms his identity, but states that he does not believe either of them to be Amidala. He is correct; they are two of Amidala's decoys, Sabé and Eirtaé, although Skywalker confuses their identities.

The following day, Amidala successfully delivers her speech, with Sabé and Eirtaé by her side. Skywalker observes from a distance alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi, who reveals that the Council had planned the entire situation. Upon learning of the impending kidnapping, they had moved the Senator to a secure location and used her handmaidens to draw out the conspirators. Skywalker voices his dissatisfaction, expressing his concern for Amidala's safety. Kenobi suggests that concealing the truth from him was necessary, questioning whether he would have fought with the same intensity if he had known it was not the real Amidala.
