Industrial District

The Industrial District, which was also referred to as the Industrial Zone, existed as a sector on the planet of Coruscant. Within its boundaries were situated some of the largest factories in the galaxy, responsible for the manufacture of droids, foodstuff, and components for starships. This district was home to massive packing facilities where livestock such as nerfs, along with various other species from across the galaxy, were slaughtered, processed, and then carbon-frozen for shipment to numerous star systems. Criminal organizations frequently exploited these businesses as covers for their illicit activities; for instance, Haugg Nerf Industries masked the operations of crime lord Groff Haugg's organization. Furthermore, the Coruscant Industrial Zone Detention Center was located within the Industrial District.

During 32 BBY, the bounty hunter known as Jango Fett infiltrated Haugg Nerf Industries with the purpose of interrogating Haugg about his links to the Bando Gora cult. Subsequently, in 21 BBY, the bounty hunter Cad Bane utilized the Coruscant Industrial Zone Detention Center as a secret base.

