During the Galactic Civil War in 4 ABY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic launched an attempt to penetrate an Imperial planet. A twelve-member team of commandos, belonging to Alliance Special Operations, were deployed via the transport Pride of Aridus, which posed as a vessel delivering legitimate goods. The plan dictated their return within precisely six hours of landing. However, their presence was discovered, causing a delay of two minutes. Captain Nord, the commanding officer of the ship, was on the verge of departing without them when the commandos, under intense Imperial fire, finally arrived.
As the Pride of Aridus also came under attack, Nord commanded an immediate departure, intending to leave the SpecOps team behind. Second Lieutenant Alfonso Luiz Obota, the ship's second-in-command, refused to abandon the other Rebels. He physically incapacitated Nord with a punch, confining him to his quarters. Obota then assumed control of the vessel, awaiting the commandos. Three of them managed to reach the ship, and were successfully extracted due to Obota's intervention. However, upon entering the planet's atmosphere, the Pride of Aridus was ambushed by numerous TIE Fighters. The resulting combat led to the deaths of five crew members, and the ship sustained significant damage, narrowly escaping into hyperspace.