
Medium-range troop transports known as Interlopers were utilized by the Sith forces who fought for the Brotherhood of Darkness during the closing years of the New Sith Wars.


Interlopers were relatively small vessels, able to transport a crew of ten individuals—this total seemingly included the pilot and co-pilot. The controls in their cockpits bore similarities to those found in ships of the Galactic Republic. They were regarded as the direct equivalents to the Republic's Bivouac transports; however, they possessed less robust armor than the Bivouac, sacrificing protective capabilities for enhanced range and improved maneuverability.

Their offensive weaponry was limited, rendering them susceptible to attack from Republic and Jedi fighters, such as seekers. Consequently, they necessitated a starfighter escort for protection when operating within active combat zones.

Whether Interlopers were equipped with hyperdrive capabilities remains ambiguous. It is uncertain if they were deployed as sublight dropships from capital ships, or if their operational capacity was limited to atmospheric flight. The utilization of ion drives for sublight propulsion implies a potential, albeit limited, sub-orbital aptitude, but verifiable evidence to support this remains absent.

Historical Information

During the Ruusan campaign, a contingent of five Interlopers transported reinforcements from the Sith Academy located on Korriban to the primary encampment of Lord Kaan's Sith army positioned on Ruusan. This event, however, does not conclusively define their operational capabilities. They might have arrived directly from Korriban, been deployed from a larger vessel in orbit, or simply operated from a spaceport within Sith-controlled territory.

Records indicate that on independent interstellar missions, Sith Lords favored other vessel types, such as Buzzard fighters and T-class space cruisers, over Interlopers.

Behind the Curtains

Interlopers made an appearance in the novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, authored by Drew Karpyshyn, which was released on September 26, 2006.

