Invasion of Fondor

The Fondor Invasion unfolded as an uprising that occurred during the time of the Galactic Civil War.


As Darth Vader's troops stationed on Fondor were engaged in combat against Rebel forces on Thyferra, the deceitful Moff Kalast orchestrated the takeover of numerous cities on the Imperial factory world by his Rebel forces. The inhabitants of the planet started a revolt and aided the Rebels in dismantling the factories. The loss of this planet would halt the building of several crucial Imperial vessels.

After achieving victory on Thyferra, Darth Vader's forces swiftly learned of the calamity that had befallen Fondor. He dispatched an Imperial contingent that breached Fondor's defenses and made landfall in Fondor City. After overwhelming the local Rebel Alliance soldiers and their allies, the recovery force advanced through the city.

The Conflict

The troops demolished civilian structures that the Alliance had seized, and they eventually seized an abandoned sensor array, from which they obtained intelligence and targeting data about the city.

The primary city square was subjected to heavy bombardment as the Imperials bombed and obliterated factories that had fallen into Alliance hands. The majority of the rebels were quickly eliminated or dispersed, and the remaining survivors were put to death.


With the Fondor Uprising suppressed, Darth Vader was able to refocus his attention on capturing Kalast. Vader ultimately employed Boba Fett to journey to Ilum, where the headquarters of a pirate group that had been providing Kalast with weaponry was discovered.

Production Notes

This engagement served as the second mission in the Imperial campaign of the 2006 video game Star Wars: Empire at War.

