IX-6 heavy combat droid

The IX-6 heavy combat droid represented a formidable battle droid, brought to life by Roche, a Verpine corporation with its base of operations in the Roche asteroids.


IX-6 heavy combat droid, alongside Aggressor-series battle droid and LON-29 battle droid commander

Having suffered under the Galactic Empire in the past, Verpine engineers conceived the IX-6 as a deterrent against intrusions into the Roche asteroid belt. When the resurrected Galactic Empire re-emerged years later, the Verpine ramped up droid production, dispersing them across their hives, and continuing sales to interested buyers.

Following Darth Krayt's takeover of the Empire, Roche received orders to immediately halt IX-6 production and eliminate all existing units. Refusing to yield to the Empire's demands, Roche relocated its factories throughout the asteroid belt, concealing them within seemingly abandoned asteroids. Upon discovering this defiance, the Empire deployed a fleet of Star Destroyers, obliterating several densely populated Verpine asteroids. Despite this severe retribution, Roche persisted in producing new IX-6 units, smuggling them to any willing purchaser.

During battles, the IX-6 model sometimes operated under the command of LON-29 battle droid commanders. Ironically, despite outlawing them, Darth Krayt utilized several IX-6 heavy combat droids as training tools for his Sith apprentices.

