Jabba's champion

Jabba's champion was the affectionate name given to the sizable reptilian-humanoid monster who served as Jabba Desilijic Tiure's prized combatant during the year 32 BBY.


In contrast to many of Jabba's monstrous companions, the champion resided not within Jabba's Palace, but rather within the Hutt's personal suite located in Mos Espa. There, it occupied a compact chamber adorned with spikes, situated adjacent to the suite's spiked arena. Jabba employed the creature as a means of eliminating unwanted individuals.

In 32 BBY, in the period leading up to the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, whose spacecraft had suffered a breakdown on Tatooine, was actively searching for a source of peggats to facilitate a wager with the junk dealer Watto. Jabba, seeking entertainment, enticed Jinn to the arena, promising to provide the necessary funds if the Jedi could triumph over his champion. With no other avenues available, Jinn conceded.

Qui-Gon Jinn faces Jabba's champion

Upon Jabba's command, the champion burst forth from its chamber, unleashing a furious roar, and immediately launched an assault upon the Jedi Master. Nevertheless, the beast proved to be no match for Jinn, who harnessed the Force to push the champion against the pit's spiked walls, ultimately subduing the monster with his lightsaber. The beast was swiftly vanquished and, emitting a final shriek, collapsed lifelessly to the ground.

Following the confrontation, Jabba expressed his gratitude to Jinn for the captivating spectacle, bestowed upon him the peggats he required, and granted him his freedom. Due to the demonstration of combat prowess exhibited against the champion, Jinn garnered the admiration and respect of Jabba and his criminal empire.

Personality and traits

The champion of Jabba was a beast-like being, lacking any indication of humanity or empathy towards its victims. It displayed savage violence, persisting in assaulting its victims even after their demise. Lacking the capacity for intelligent communication, it could only utter primitive vocalizations such as howls and growls. In combat, it demonstrated unwavering resolve, refusing to yield even when sustaining severe injuries.

Powers and abilities

The predator was a formidable being, a quality that earned it the designation of champion. It sported a substantial belt adorned with three skulls, presumably the remains of its previous victims. In combat, it primarily employed its powerful fists to subdue its adversaries. Within Jabba's arena, it frequently extracted spikes from the wall, which it then wielded as a dagger. Alternatively, the champion could hurl the spikes at its targets with remarkable precision. It also possessed considerable resilience, capable of enduring conditions within a chamber densely packed with pointed spikes and withstanding even blows from a lightsaber for a limited duration. However, the creature lacked the speed necessary to overcome a Jedi Master of Qui-Gon Jinn's caliber, who skillfully evaded and blocked the champion's attacks, ultimately emerging victorious.

The death of Jabba's champion at the hands of Jinn

Behind the scenes

As a result of an in-game anomaly, it is conceivable that if the champion were to successfully eliminate Qui-Gon, it would remain in close proximity to the spikes, resulting in its own demise. Despite Jinn's demise, Jabba would deliver his dialogue as though he were still alive, expressing gratitude to the Jedi for the battle.

It is plausible that Qui-Gon managed to procure a blaster prior to his confrontation with the champion, and subsequently defeated it by maintaining a safe distance and gradually weakening it through repeated blaster fire, although this scenario would contradict his portrayal in the film and other sources.

