Jabba's personal viewing box, one of the residences belonging to Jabba Desilijic Tiure, was situated within the Grand Arena of Mos Espa in 32 BBY.

This private box served as a personal dwelling for Jabba, which the Hutt utilized during the Boonta Eve Classic podrace events. It remains unknown if he frequented it outside of race days. When present in the box, Jabba was invariably attended by a retinue of servants and slaves, including his Interpreter, Bib Fortuna, Diva Shaliqua, Tann Gella, R5-X2, Chokk, and numerous others.
On occasion, Jabba would extend invitations to guests, such as his rival Gardulla Besadii the Elder and the morally questionable Senator Orn Free Taa.
A permanent fixture was a gladiator beast, serving as Jabba's champion in gladiatorial combat. This creature resided in a confined chamber adjacent to the suite's arena, characterized by an abundance of sharp, pointed spikes. Jabba would sometimes cast combatants into the arena to engage the predator, deriving amusement from their struggles.

Jabba's personal box was smaller in scale compared to the Hutt's primary palace. The suite comprised several key areas: the diminutive chamber housing Jabba's champion, the spike-lined arena connected to Jabba's sleeping quarters, and the balcony, which he used as a vantage point for observing the podraces.

During 32 BBY, Jabba took up residence in the suite to witness the Boonta Eve Classic podrace. However, Jabba's interest lay not in the sport itself, but in the financial gains he anticipated from wagering on the event. Finding the race inherently tedious, Jabba constantly sought novel forms of entertainment. The news of a Jedi whose ship was stranded on Tatooine, namely Qui-Gon Jinn, piqued his interest. The Jedi Master required peggats to place a bet with the junk dealer Watto. Tann and Ann Gella directed Qui-Gon to Jabba, and upon his arrival, Jabba led the Jedi into the suite's arena. He pledged to provide Jinn with the necessary funds if he could triumph over his champion warrior. Left with no viable alternative, Jinn accepted the challenge, ultimately slaying Jabba's champion in combat. Jabba expressed his gratitude for the "worthy entertainment" provided and released him. Shortly thereafter, Jabba initiated the race.