Jard served as a Sith commander of the Human male variety. He commanded the Imperial navy battlecruiser known as the Valor, which belonged to the Sith Lord called Darth Malgus.
While Malgus was planetside, Captain Jard typically managed shipboard operations. He also held a high-ranking position within the blockade fleet both during and shortly following the Sacking of Coruscant. Malgus frequently contacted Jard to inquire about the status of different assignments. After Malgus's lover, Eleena Daru, was wounded, Malgus found out from Jard that she hadn't been brought onto the ship. When the bounty hunter named Vrath Xizor boarded the Valor, Jard was there. While the ship Fatman was shot down above Coruscant, he gave Malgus various updates. After sparing Aryn Leneer's life, Jard received orders to let her depart the planet.