Jart Eyan was a male Twi'lek officer holding the rank of lieutenant within the New Republic Defense Fleet.
Serving as part of Admiral Ackbar's protective detail, Eyan was assigned to the Home One. While the Home One underwent maintenance in drydock during 7 ABY, Eyan took leave on Coruscant where he and his family were abducted by agents working for Warlord Zsinj. Over the course of several days that his family was missing, Eyan was subjected to brainwashing as part of Zsinj's Project Funeral.
Upon his return to the Home One, Eyan immediately received an urgent communication from his wife. Under duress, she was compelled to utter his activation phrase: "Jart, those Wookiees are dancing in the parlor again."
This triggered Eyan's implanted directives, causing him to instantly delete the message using advanced slicing skills of which he was previously unaware. Driven by the delusion of dancing Wookiees, he embarked on a mission to assassinate Ackbar. At the time, the admiral was in a meeting with Wraith Squadron member Voort "Piggy" saBinring, and as the Gamorrean pilot stood to salute Lieutenant Eyan, Eyan discharged a blaster, hitting saBinring in the stomach.
While most individuals would have been paralyzed by shock and fear in their final moments, Eyan failed to comprehend that saBinring was an exceptional being. His genetically engineered emotional control allowed him to act to protect the admiral's life. Piggy produced a vibroblade from his sleeve—an item not typically issued to New Republic pilots, but standard equipment for the Wraiths. He hurled the blade at Eyan, severing the Twi'lek's blaster in two.
Using the momentary distraction, Ackbar launched an attack on Eyan, but Eyan broke free of Ackbar's hold and began to strangle the admiral. Piggy, forcing himself to his feet, lifted Ackbar's desk. The Gamorrean, carrying the desk, charged at Eyan, striking him with such force that the wall of the adjacent lounge buckled inward, rendering a female Human ensign unconscious.
Voort saBinring and Ackbar survived the ordeal, but Jart Eyan's skull was crushed.