Je'daii training at Stav Kesh. Within the Je'daii Order on Tython, Je'daii training involved instructing apprentices in the ways of the Force. Force-sensitive individuals from all over the Tython system were brought to Padawan Kesh and underwent training as Je'daii initiates. Should they succeed in the Padawan Trial, these youngsters progressed to the next phase of their education, becoming the Padawan of a Je'daii Master. Typically during their teenage years, once a Padawan's instruction was considered complete, they transitioned into Je'daii Journeyers and embarked on their Great Journey: a pilgrimage across Tython, visiting each of the nine Je'daii Temples. If the Journeyer survived, upon the successful completion of their Great Journey they were elevated to the rank of Je'daii Ranger. A Je'daii Ranger who demonstrated ample experience, wisdom, and a strong understanding of the Force might be promoted to Je'daii Master, the highest rank attainable, aside from Je'daii Temple Master.