
Moff Jeckor was the ruler of the closest populated system to the Crystal Web Station. In a past act, he liberated Klaar from enslavement, a freedom denied to countless other aliens. However, his motivation wasn't kindness or empathy; it was a calculated move to create future obligations. Regardless of his methods, Klaar felt honor-bound to repay this debt, willing to do anything. Upon discovering Klaar's position as the security head of the Crystal Web Station, Jeckor compelled him to begin settling the score. His demand was merely information about the station and its residents, data easily accessible to anyone. Despite Klaar's displeasure at becoming a spy for the Empire, Jeckor left him no alternative to fulfill his obligation.

Following the demise of the Second Death Star, acquiring fresh crew members for Jeckor's capital ships became increasingly challenging due to the closure of most Imperial training facilities. To expedite the acquisition of reinforcements, Moff Jeckor resolved to forcibly enlist "volunteers" from the Crystal Web Station, along with other sites. To achieve this, he dispatched squads of stormtroopers to each location with orders to abduct as many physically capable individuals as possible. Regrettably for his plans, a contingent of New Republic operatives, aided by Klaar and his security personnel, successfully thwarted his endeavors at the Crystal Web Station. Consequently, this action effectively nullified the honor debt Klaar had incurred.


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