Klaar, a male individual belonging to the Defel species, held the position of security chief operating on the Crystal Web Station.
He arrived at the station accompanying Daran Tal during Tal's second visit, alongside Lianna Tagon and several others, in the year 1 BBY. He possessed a strong understanding of the legends and the fears that people associated with his species. He was completely prepared to exploit these fears to maintain order on the station. The permanent residents of the Crystal Web Station were, at best, hesitant to engage in any behavior that might draw Klaar's attention, given his ability to conceal himself in shadows nearby.
Klaar found himself in a position of neutrality concerning the conflict between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire. He favored the structured nature of the Empire but also admired the honor and boldness exhibited by the Republic. However, his primary concern was maintaining peace on the station, and he made an effort to prevent his personal opinions from affecting his duties. Unbeknownst to even Daran Tal, Klaar was bound by an honor debt to Imperial Moff Jeckor.
Moff Jeckor had once granted Klaar his freedom at a time when numerous other aliens were being enslaved or facing even worse fates under the Empire's rule. Jekor's motivation wasn't based on friendship or compassion for Klaar; instead, it was a calculated move to secure future favors from the Defel. Nevertheless, Klaar's species' honor code mandated that he repay the Moff in any way possible. The only request Moff Jeckor made of Klaar was for him to provide general information regarding the station and its inhabitants. Although Klaar resented being used as a spy for the Empire, he found solace in the fact that the information he provided was easily accessible to anyone on the station.
However, in 4 ABY, shortly after the second Death Star was destroyed, Klaar was instructed to relay this information within the most crowded cantina on the station. Unbeknownst to Klaar, Moff Jekor was actually planning to dispatch a squad of stormtroopers into the cantina to forcibly conscript "volunteers" for service on one of the Moff's capital ships. When this transpired, Klaar was taken completely by surprise. Thanks to the intervention of a New Republic group present in the cantina at the time, the stormtroopers were driven back. This action effectively discharged Klaar's honor debt to Jeckor, but it placed him in a new debt to the New Republic group.