Jedi's Legacy

Jedi's Legacy, a choose-your-own-adventure story, initially appeared in Star Wars Gamer issue 10. S. John Ross is the author, with illustrations by Ramón Pérez.

Plot summary

While practicing combat in Skalokor's mountainous terrain, Jedi Master [Niquon] and his Padawan, Nason Laric, are interrupted by an elderly Dolandu, Borta. Borta carries a dormant assassin droid that Niquon identifies as a danger to them. Niquon sends Laric to the planet Yabosta to find his tech-savvy acquaintance, Lowghen Badra, and have him take apart the droid. Laric, traveling in a cloudjumper, encounters several obstacles before his return to Skalokor. Badra discovers the droid contains drethi venom, a substance deadly to those who wield the Force. Laric then brings an antidote back to Skalokor.
