This academy, situated on the verdant planet of H'ratth, functioned as a leading praxeum focused on teaching the healing arts. It was utilized by the Jedi Order during the Galactic Republic era and had Jedi healers as its staff.
This ancient site was an academy dedicated to providing instruction in the healing arts. By 4001 BBY, Jedi Master Chamma held the position of instructor there; one of his notable pupils was Andur Sunrider. It ceased operations during the Jedi Civil War, but resumed activities after the Ruusan Reformations within the Galactic Republic.
Darth Sidious, in his version of The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, documented that the H'ratth academy was one of numerous facilities he eradicated during the Great Jedi Purge. He commented that the book exposed the academy's location, which was thought to be secret, thereby assisting the Galactic Empire in their pursuit of Jedi.
- Tales of the Jedi Companion
- The Essential Atlas
- The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force