
A male Human smuggler, known as Jerg, plied his trade during the era of the Galactic Civil War. He captained a ship named the Cyclops. He stumbled upon the long-forgotten planet Ruusan, establishing his base of operations there, unaware of its extensive and ancient past. He played a key role in the relocation of several Sulonese to the planet.


Around 11 BBY, while attempting to evade an Imperial Star Destroyer, he executed a random hyperspace jump. This led to his rediscovery of Ruusan, a world absent from contemporary Star-charts. His crew then utilized a site on Ruusan, which they called Fort Nowhere, as a storage facility for illicit goods.

Relocating the Sulonese

Ten years later, Morgan Katarn engaged Jerg and his vessel to resettle 347 Rebel sympathizers from Sulon onto Ruusan. These individuals were collected from a concealed space station within the Sullust system. Following a lengthy and tense voyage, Jerg contacted Katarn two hours before their scheduled arrival, informing him of their imminent disembarkation. Standing beside Katarn and observing Ruusan through the viewport, Jerg assured him that the planet possessed Earth-like gravity and a breathable atmosphere. He also pointed out that the Empire's failure to detect his operations there suggested it was a safe haven; however, he conceded that an Imperial probe could potentially discover them at any time. He further mentioned the presence of ruins and an indigenous species he deemed insignificant. Katarn expressed his gratitude, stating that his people were indebted to him, but Jerg brushed it aside, emphasizing that he was simply fulfilling a contract. After the Sulonese were transported to the planet via shuttles, Jerg gave Katarn a tour of Fort Nowhere. Katarn inquired about the planet's desolation, and Jerg confessed that one of his pilots had observed "something" in the desolate regions while transporting the colonists. Jerg declined Katarn's request to dispatch a reconnaissance team, citing that it was not part of their agreement and emphasizing the remote location of the coordinates in the badlands. Nevertheless, he loaned Katarn his speeder, known as the Old Codger.

When Katarn was 100 kilometers west of the landing zone, Jerg contacted him via comlink, questioning his actions and reminding him to allow the speeder to cool down. Katarn responded that he was following the remnants of an old highway. Later, Katarn contacted him again, reporting that he had set up camp near a massive rock formation that appeared artificial. Jerg briefly panicked when Katarn mentioned falling into a hole. Katarn described several evenly spaced holes, and then reported strange sensations and movements. Jerg pressed him for details. Just as he cautioned Katarn to proceed cautiously, the comlink connection was lost, leading Jerg to speculate that either the rock formation was causing interference, or something had intentionally severed the connection.

The following day, Katarn reestablished contact, explaining that he had spent the night near their last point of communication, away from the interference, and wished to conduct further reconnaissance before returning. Morgan avoided mentioning that his last location was an ancient city where he had interacted with the native inhabitants, and was now heading towards another. Jerg instructed him to report any noteworthy discoveries.

Shortly after, Morgan came back from his expedition and met up with Jerg, but he kept quiet about his findings.

Later years

Jerg continued his operations even after the fall of the Empire. In 5 ABY, he revisited Ruusan before departing into space. Thirty days after he left, the Battle of Fort Nowhere commenced.

Personality and traits

Jerg was a gaunt, tall man. He typically wore worn, soiled clothing, including a sweaty undershirt and once-white pants. To denote his position among his crew, he sported a Captain's cap dating back to the era of the Galactic Republic. Otherwise, he usually went barefoot.

Despite his disheveled appearance and reliance on outdated equipment, he was meticulous about maintaining everything in good working order, as exemplified by the Old Codger.

Despite their effective collaboration, Morgan was aware that Jerg was primarily a mercenary, driven by the pursuit of quick profits. Knowing that the Bouncers wanted the Valley to remain a secret, he had to deceive Jerg by claiming he had found nothing of interest.

Behind the scenes

In the audio drama adaptation of Dark Forces: Rebel Agent, Tom Keith provided his voice. When Morgan Katarn mentions him, his name can be mistaken for "Jerec," the story's antagonist.

