The settlement and installation known as Fort Nowhere served as a smuggler base on the planet Ruusan.
The Smuggler's Rest was located within its confines, and the fort was situated in proximity to both Katarn's Hill and a network of subterranean caverns.
To safeguard illicit goods, Fort Nowhere was constructed as a Class Two military facility, designed to withstand a force-one level assault. Its design resembled a six-pointed star, with each point housing a spherical blaster cannon. This configuration ensured comprehensive covering fire against any intruders, whether pirates or natives, attempting to breach its defenses. Furthermore, the fort was equipped with subsurface missile batteries, and its defensive structures included walls made of rammed earth. A subterranean bunker served as the command center. However, it was not capable of withstanding a large-scale Imperial invasion.
For surveillance, the smugglers utilized a system comprising sixteen satellites. These satellites were employed not only to monitor weather patterns but also to provide early warning of any potential orbital attacks by the Empire.
Smugglers working for Captain Jerg primarily occupied Fort Nowhere. During their initial exploration, they found the sentient Bouncers but didn't bother to investigate them further or venture beyond what was necessary. They also ignored an old roadbed, the remains of an ancient highway, and where it led. They believed only someone irrational would venture into the badlands without a valid reason.
In 1 BBY, Morgan Katarn transported Sulonese colonists from the Alliance to Restore the Republic to Ruusan. Jerg, who ran his smuggling activities from Fort Nowhere, allowed the Sulonese to settle within the fort's boundaries.
Morgan Katarn, the Rebel leader, made arrangements for the Sulonese colonists to store their supplies and equipment near the Fort. This was to enable them to establish an independent community, free from the Fort's undesirable environment. Over a period of three days, nine groups of colonists arrived, constructing shelters and installing mirrors and fiber-optic cables within the caverns to provide illumination. They divided the surrounding land, including a drilled well, and implemented irrigation systems for agriculture.
By 5 ABY, Byron Devo III held the position of mayor. In that year, the Galactic Empire, led by Lord Jerec, rediscovered Ruusan in their search for the Valley of the Jedi. While his apprentice, Sariss, advocated for an immediate assault on the settlement, Jerec opted to interrogate the inhabitants first. Meanwhile, the settlers were alerted by the appearance of Imperial probe droids, and some began to evacuate the town. This was observed by Jerec's Dark Jedi during a reconnaissance flight in an assault shuttle.
While Sariss engaged in "negotiations" with the Mayor, Yun and Boc conducted a search of the fort. They eventually learned that the fort's inhabitants had no knowledge of the valley. Upon hearing this, Jerec ordered the settlement's destruction. Soon after, a battle erupted on the planet. Under Sariss's command, Imperial forces attacked the fort, capturing or killing almost all of its residents, although some managed to escape.