Byron Devo III

Byron Devo III, a portly Human male smuggler, held the position of mayor in Fort Nowhere during the era of the Galactic Civil War.

During the Vengeance Battle Group's invasion of the planet Ruusan in 5 ABY, Sariss ended his life via decapitation.


Originally a colonist hailing from Sulon, Byron Devo III transitioned into a political role on Ruusan. His natural charisma and skillful oratory often extricated him from challenging predicaments. He typically spent his evenings at Smuggler's Rest. However, in 5 ABY, Lord Jerec's task force of Dark Jedi rediscovered the planet.

One evening, Grif Grawley, whom Devo regarded as a troublemaker, disrupted the peace at the cantina, silencing the patrons by destroying the sound system with his blast rifle. An enraged Devo confronted him, expressing his frustration, and Grawley presented an ID plate, urging Devo to examine it; it belonged to an Imperial Viper probe droid. Grawley recounted his encounter with the droid, advising an immediate evacuation of Fort Nowhere, but most colonists remained skeptical. Devo firmly believed that the Empire remained unaware of their presence, and even if they were discovered, he was confident that Fort Nowhere's fortified defenses would render any attack futile.

The following day, an Imperial assault shuttle arrived, disgorging three Dark Jedi. When some of the gathered crowd displayed hostility, Sariss used the Force to choke a settler named Lasko to death in order to intimidate the population. The woman demanded to speak with the leader, and Devo was reluctantly pushed forward by the frightened citizens. Despite his fear, Devo attempted to maintain his composure, but when the woman accused him of smuggling, tax evasion, and harboring traitors, he instinctively touched his throat, fearing a fate similar to Lasko; he consciously kept his arms at his sides. Sariss, who did not reveal her name, stated that she was willing to hear his explanations, as it was "the Imperial way", and Devo escorted her to his office.

Jerec's actual objective was the Valley of the Jedi, a legendary location on Ruusan unknown to the settlers, including Devo. The woman interrogated him about relevant information, ruins, artifacts, and relics, making false promises to leave Fort Nowhere undisturbed, despite the fact that Imperial law deemed almost everything illegal. An hour later, the shuttle departed, and Devo made an offensive gesture towards the Empire, attempting to regain his authority in the eyes of the onlookers. He was then approached by Lieutenant Marie Peeno, who shared his confusion regarding the Empire's interest in archaeological finds, and what treasure could be so valuable as to warrant sending a task force. The two conspired to keep the rumors a secret until they could locate and secure the treasure for themselves.

The Imperials' promises proved to be deceitful. A force from their battle group attacked the settlement, and shuttles landed, massacring the fleeing citizens. A panicked Devo confronted Sariss as she emerged from one of the shuttles, demanding an explanation. Sariss greeted him sarcastically and confessed that she had lied; Devo retreated a few steps before being decapitated by the Dark Jedi's lightsaber.

Personality and traits

Grawley described Byron Devo III as obese. He possessed small, beady eyes that widened dramatically when he panicked.

Devo possessed charisma and political acumen. Despite not being a smuggler who owned the settlement, he managed to become its leader. Even in challenging situations, he attempted to resolve them through skillful negotiation. However, aside from this skill, Grif Grawley considered him an incompetent leader.

Upon hearing rumors of archaeological treasure, his greed was ignited, and he conspired with Peeno to conceal the information from his fellow colonists, hoping to eventually acquire the treasure for himself.

Behind the scenes

In the audio adaptation of Dark Forces: Jedi Knight, Jack Walsh provided his voice.

