Vengeance Battle Group was an battle group of the Imperial forces, the centerpiece of which was the Super Star Destroyer named the Vengeance (Vengeance).
This military unit was built around the Super Star Destroyer Vengeance, and it also had a collection of escort ships. Among these were a minimum of three Imperial-class Star Destroyers, a number of EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates, a screen of picket ships, and a significant quantity of TIE fighters, interceptors, and bombers.
Imperial ground troops, commando squads, and armored vehicles were also carried by this group.
Based on comments from New Republic operatives, the makeup of this battle group wasn't out of the ordinary, suggesting that the Imperial Navy had a number of similarly sized units.

Dark Jedi Jerec made use of this naval unit in his quest to locate the mythical Valley of the Jedi. The route to Ruusan was found and deciphered thanks to the efforts of information broker droid 8t88, which made it possible for the Vengeance and Jerec's forces to hyperspace to the Hoth's Brand system.
The Vengeance then circled Ruusan to conduct surveillance and dispatched a small force to destroy the main settlement that smugglers and colonists used.
At the time, the Battle Group had a Star Destroyer, three frigates, a screen of two dozen picket ships, several escorts, and a large number of TIEs, the majority of which were located close to the fourth planet.
The battle group was running low on ordnance, only having half of what they should have. This made them vulnerable to a deception by the New Republic. A damaged "Imperial" transport carrying proton torpedoes was allowed to enter Ruusan's orbit and unload its cargo to the group as part of the ruse. Following that, the transport would depart, allowing NR agent Kyle Katarn's ship, the Moldy Crow, to escape from its cargo hold and enter Ruusan's atmosphere.
- Captain Sysco , in command of the Vengeance
- Major Vig , an officer in the stormtrooper corps
- Lieutenant Hab , a stormtrooper officer
- Lieutenant Aagon , in charge of Patrol 341
- Second Lieutenant Momo , driver of an AT-ST
- Sergeant Zonka , a stormtrooper