Mission to Dorlo

A mission unfolded during the Galactic Civil War on the planet known as Dorlo.


Jedi Master Rahn

Qu Rahn, a Jedi Master, discovered the whereabouts of a legendary place, the Valley of the Jedi. He resolved to gather a group to explore this valley, situated on the planet of Ruusan. By 5 ABY, following the defeat of the Galactic Empire, Rahn had assembled his team. This team included Duno Dree, a young human pilot, Cee Norley, a Rebel Alliance expert in weaponry, and Rolanda Gron, a Klatooinian technologist. Rahn's team still required one more member: Nij Por Ral, a linguist specializing in ancient languages. Por Ral was located on Dorlo, where he worked to translate inscriptions found in ancient ruins by miners employed by the SoroSuub Corporation. Rahn sought Por Ral's expertise to interpret any glyphs discovered within the Valley of the Jedi. During this endeavor, Dree began to feel affection for Norley, but hesitated to express his feelings.

Dree transported the team to Dorlo aboard his transport, where they landed and concealed the vessel. Rahn and his team successfully located Por Ral, persuading the hesitant linguist to join their mission. What initially appeared to be a straightforward task quickly escalated into a struggle for survival. Agents of the Imperial Remnant, under the command of Jerec, a Dark Jedi from the Vengeance, were in pursuit. Jerec, Rahn's rival in the search for the lost valley, ordered his forces to capture Rahn.

The Chase

As the Rebels made their escape, their skimmer was hit by blaster fire. Rahn sustained a graze from a laser, becoming covered in allied blood. The rebel group started back to the corvette. Rahn gave Dree and the others some encouraging words before they left the skimmer to continue their journey on foot; Rahn was aware that the Imperials would be able to track them using the vessel's heat signature and that it would all be over.

Two Imperial skimmers pursued the Rebels; one carried twenty stormtroopers, while the other was commanded by Jerec's lieutenants, Sariss and Maw, accompanied by the young Yun on his first mission. These three constituted a part of the Seven Dark Jedi trained by Jerec. Initially, the skimmer's instruments showed no signs of the Rebels, even when Yun double-checked the readings from both vessels. However, Maw, a Boltrunian, possessed the unique ability to smell the fear of his targets through the Force. Jerec contacted Sariss, briefly unsettling her, expressing his curiosity and impatience regarding the pursuit, as the Vengeance also lacked any readings. Sariss assured him that they were on the Rebels' trail, thanks to Maw, whose abilities Jerec trusted.

The Rebel group eventually sought cover among the trees, as even Norley, the team's only true [soldier](/article/soldier-legends], needed to rest. She was always carrying two missile launchers. Dree voiced his opinion that they should have continued using the skimmer, asserting that he could have flown them to the ship and back multiple times. Rahn praised Dree's confidence but explained his reasons for abandoning the vessel. Norley further complained that the others were not up for the task, despite their objections. With time running short, Rahn formulated a strategy in which Norley would stay behind, giving the others time to escape.

With Maw directing an Imperial pilot, the two skimmers followed the Rebels' trail to the southeast. At some point, Rahn's plan was put into motion. Norley, armed with her launchers, ambushed the pursuers, successfully destroying the skimmer carrying the stormtroopers. As the remaining skimmer approached, Norley prepared to fire, but Sariss choked her and shot her in time, while Yun, in a fit of rage, continued to fire at her even after her death. While Yun thought the Rebel wanted the Imperials dead, Sariss knew that Rahn wasn't interested in war; Norley had sacrificed herself to buy her companions time, which indicated to Sariss that the others were trying to reach a ship and leave the planet. She instructed the pilot to resume their original course.

The Confrontation

The Vengeance over Dorlo.

In a rushed attempt to leave the planet, Dree's Corvette skipped some standard procedures; after taking off, he made a turn and engaged the pursuing skimmer. Although he missed, the skimmer was thrown off course and crashed into a stone wall. The three Dark Jedi and their pilot survived, but as the pilot complained about a bump on his head, he was decapitated by a lightsaber.

The corvette entered space, pursued by four TIE fighters, which led it into a trap. Despite Rahn's warnings, Dree failed to notice Jerec's flagship, the Vengeance, and flew directly into its tractor beams. Dree struggled in vain to control the runaway power plants.

An Imperial assault shuttle carrying a task force of Commandos led by Boc Aseca boarded the Rebel corvette. After filling the ship with Sleeping gas, the occupants collapsed as they were making their way to the storage lockers with the space suits. They were carried out on stretchers and presented to Jerec for interrogation. Their transport was then used for target practice by the Vengeance's crew and destroyed.

The Result

Rahn paralyzed by a Force attack from Jerec.

The prisoners were taken to the bridge of the Vengeance, where Jerec and his Dark Jedi awaited them. Jerec questioned the group about the location of the mystical Valley of the Jedi.

With each refusal to cooperate, Jerec's Dark Jedi executed a member of Rahn's party. Eventually, the Jedi Master succumbed to Jerec's powers, revealing a hint of the path leading to the Valley.

In a final attempt to thwart the dark-siders, Rahn seized a lightsaber and fought valiantly, but Jerec subdued and killed him.

Additional Information

The novelization suggests that Rahn's team included at least one additional Rebel. In his initial appearance, Rahn's white robe is already "red with Rebel blood," yet none of his team members, including himself, are mentioned as being wounded. This implies that an unnamed companion was killed in a skirmish before or during the pursuit.

In the novelization, after Dree's ship causes the darksiders' skimmer to crash, Maw decapitates the helmsman for his mistake; in the dramatization, Sariss performs this act.

