Kaz Lo, a Zabrak who specialized in technology.
An individual with a diverse and highly developed skillset focused on technology was known as a tech specialist. These specialists commonly possessed expertise in computer systems, security system penetration, droid maintenance, and the disabling of even the most sophisticated explosive devices.
During the period of the Mandalorian Wars and Darth Nihilus's subsequent Jedi Purge, the Jedi Exile received assistance from Bao-Dur, a tech specialist, during her travels.
- In the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, the Tech Specialist exists as a character class. Bao-Dur is the only character known to have this unique class; no other character in the game is classified as a Tech Specialist. When Bao-Dur levels up, he gains 6 Skill Points—this increases to 7 if the player allocates an additional Attribute Point to his Intelligence stat.
- The Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook Edition featured the Tech Specialist as a fundamental character class. Notably, it was the only core class capable of crafting superior items that granted appropriate bonuses upon use. With the introduction of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition, this character class was removed and replaced with a talent tree and a special feat. Interestingly, the new feat and talent tree seem to favor scoundrels or nobles as tech specialists, suggesting that a "tech" should not be primarily focused on combat.
- The Star Wars Miniature Game has included representations of the Tech Specialist, such as the Iktotchi Tech Specialist (from the Revenge of the Sith Expansion) and the Mon Calamari Tech Specialist (from the Alliance and Empire Expansion).