Yith Ganar

Yith Ganar was a Kel Dor female from Legends continuity, who specialized as a tech specialist. Her height was 1.6 meters, and she possessed dusky red skin and [black](/article/color/legends] eyes.


Working on Dorin, Ganar distinguished herself as a tech specialist due to her notable determination and skill. Despite her abilities, she was an introverted individual, partly due to her intolerance of criticism and partly because of her energetic temperament. Her voice often carried an aggressive tone, as if she was delivering insults with every utterance.

After being denied a promotion, Ganar made the decision to resign from her position and pursue a career as a trader. Lacking both savings and a reputation, her family and limited circle of friends attempted to dissuade her, but her mind was firmly set.

Subsequently, she embarked on a project to construct her own BTL Y-wing starfighter using various tools and ship components. Despite the widespread belief that the endeavor was impossible, Ganar successfully completed it. Immediately thereafter, she departed Dorin, leaving behind all those who had ever questioned her abilities as a mechanic or as a pilot.

Ganar then took on roles as an escort, a mechanic, and a scout. Legend has it that a Bothan freighter captain engaged her services to rebuild damaged engines. However, the captain made a remark regarding her "debatable technical experience." A mere three weeks later, his ship mysteriously disintegrated upon entering hyperspace. Ganar offered no denials, simply redirecting her focus to the task at hand.

Underneath her exterior, Ganar harbored a hidden inferiority complex. Her insecurities drove her to constantly seek validation, which manifested in her relentless work ethic and her avoidance of socializing with other pilots or mechanics.

Behind the scenes

Similar to many characters featured in the book Ultimate Adversaries, the narrative surrounding Ganar is intentionally left open to interpretation, allowing for her integration into any campaign, regardless of the specific era. This deliberate ambiguity explains why her allegiance—whether to the Empire or the Republic—remains unspecified.


  • Ultimate Adversaries (First mentioned)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
