Hab, a lieutenant, was in the service of the Imperial warlord Jerec, assisting in Jerec's quest to locate the Valley of the Jedi, a powerful Force nexus.
As an officer, Lieutenant Hab served Imperial warlord Jerec as Jerec sought the Valley of the Jedi, a Force nexus that held many trapped Jedi souls. Hab was among the troops assigned to the excavation under Major Vig when the valley was found on the planet Ruusan in 5 ABY.
The presence of spirits of both Jedi and Sith that wandered the valley, however, complicated the excavation. Yun, a Dark Jedi and one of Jerec's apprentices, arrived to deal with the problem. Upon Yun's arrival, Major Vig held a formal lunch with a Captain and another Lieutenant in a converted storeroom. Following the meal, a "Screamer" spirit took possession of Hab, attempting to suffocate him. Yun intervened to save Hab, drawing the spirit to himself.
The novella Dark Forces: Jedi Knight by William C. Dietz, published in 1998, marked Hab's first and only appearance to date. The book did not specify Hab's species or gender.