Marie Peeno

title: Lieutenant Marie Peeno

Marie Peeno, holding the rank of Lieutenant, was a Human female smuggling operative who resided within the confines of Fort Nowhere during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


During 5 ABY, she served as the second-in-command to Captain Jerg and, according to some accounts, was also his lover. In her role, she operated the blaster cannon emplacements that constituted Fort Nowhere's defense system. Due to the frequent approach of native Bouncers to the sensors, she often received false alarm signals, which she eventually learned to disregard.

Some years later, specifically in 5 ABY, she observed that all sixteen weather-monitoring satellites utilized by the colonists had simultaneously ceased transmitting data, and subsequent attempts to re-establish communication proved unsuccessful. That same night, Grif Grawley entered the Smuggler's Rest to deliver a warning regarding an impending Imperial invasion and inquired about the status of the satellites. When asked about available spacecraft, she indicated that Jerg had departed the previous month, taking all available shuttles with him.

The following day, Peeno, accompanied by Dinko, took control of one of the town's energy cannons and observed an Imperial assault shuttle conducting reconnaissance flights. Assuming that the shuttle was part of a larger force, and believing that the Imperials might be seeking negotiations, Peeno instructed Dinko to deactivate the cannon, allowing the shuttle to land within the Fort's perimeter.

Representing the Empire, the Dark Jedi Sariss questioned Mayor Devo, followed by Peeno, regarding any archaeological discoveries on the planet, and whether they had encountered any ruins or artifacts. After providing assurances that the Empire would not interfere with the illegal settlement in exchange for their cooperation, the shuttle departed. Peeno then approached Mayor Devo, expressing her confusion regarding the nature of their inquiries, and advised him to keep any potential discoveries secret until they could locate any valuable artifacts and secure them for themselves, while also expressing concern that the Imperials might be more perceptive than they assumed.

Peeno oversaw the staffing of the turrets, and was once again paired with Dinko, where they discussed whether they had been mistaken in dismissing the arrival of the Imperials. Peeno was about to grant Dinko permission for an early leave when he noticed an alarm activating; Peeno initially dismissed it as another false alarm caused by the Bouncers, but then realized that it was genuine. She retreated to an underground bunker to coordinate the defenses for the battle. She was accompanied by a teenage volunteer who served as a weapons-control officer. On her monitors, she observed debris from a TIE/LN starfighter falling onto Katarn's Hill, having been shot down by Dinko. A volunteer alerted her to the arrival of four assault shuttles, and she ordered the launch of missiles. She commended Dinko for his successful hit and suggested that he target the hovercraft, as the initial wave of TIE fighters was approaching too closely.

She made the decision to prepare seven more missiles for launch when Dinko attempted to warn her that something had locked onto their position and that they needed to evacuate. She perished in the explosion of the missile silos as she was preparing to launch the missiles.

Personality and traits

Peeno was characterized by her short red hair and a nose stud.

Behind the scenes

In the audio adaptation of Dark Forces: Jedi Knight, her voice was provided by Louise Enyeart.

In the novella, Marie Peeno is situated in a bunker while Dinko operates a cannon turret during the Battle; however, in the audio drama, Peeno and Dinko are together inside a missile silo, and they both die when Peeno is arming the missiles.

