Smuggler's Rest (Ruusan)

The local cantina situated in Fort Nowhere on Ruusan was known as the Smuggler's Rest.


Each evening, it was the most bustling and boisterous spot on the planet, typically accommodating twenty patrons at its assortment of a dozen tables. An inoperable fuel tank functioned as the bar. The walls were adorned with an eclectic collection of memorabilia. A gong was present, used to signal when someone had purchased a round of drinks.

Given Ruusan's status as a "lost" planet, remote from the Galactic community and inhabited by colonists and spacers, the music played at the Rest was somewhat outdated, lagging behind current trends by a couple of years.


Around 5 ABY, on the anniversary of his dead daughter's birth, Grif Grawley "commemorated" the occasion by drowning his sorrows with Old Trusty until he lost consciousness. His wife, Carole, was notified and, with the assistance of some locals, they transported him home on their skimmer.

Six months later, Grif visited the cantina to alert Byron Devo III about an approaching Imperial invasion. To capture their attention, he disabled the sound system and displayed the ID plate of the Imperial droid PD 4786 that he had previously destroyed. His warning elicited a varied response, marked by raised voices and general uproar. Before his departure, he announced his intention to seek safety away from the settlement.

It is likely that the cantina was destroyed, along with the rest of the Fort, during the battle of Fort Nowhere.

