Jerrol Blendin served as a Wing Guard stationed on Bespin.

Jerrol Blendin's tenure with the Wing Guard commenced during the administration of Dominic Raynor over Cloud City. His post was located on level 120, which was immediately above the boisterous and unruly Port Town. As Lando Calrissian assumed the position of Baron Administrator, Blendin had ascended to the rank of captain. He was notorious as a corrupt Guard who utilized intimidation tactics to maintain order. He willingly took bribes and was in the pay of various small-time criminals. He instructed his subordinates to avoid excessive actions or greed that could attract unwanted attention. In 3 ABY, Jerrol Blendin was among the two Wing Guards who went with Lando to check on several captives, including Han Solo.
Jerrol Blendin's character initially materialized in the premiere edition of Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, a sourcebook for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. He was presented as a typical Bespin guard, accompanied solely by roleplaying statistics. The second edition of the sourcebook featured an extensive profile of Blendin, a significant addition made by Pablo Hidalgo.