Jesse Lonergan

Jesse Lonergan, a comic artist, was born in the state of California within the United States. He is the creator of a variant cover sold at New York Comic Con for the ninth installment of the 2021 comic series titled Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures. In addition to this, Lonergan both drew and colored "Crash and the Crew Do What They Do," a short comic story featured in the one-off annual issue The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021 from the same series.


A comic artist, Jesse Lonergan's place of birth was California, a state in the United States. He is responsible for the creation of a variant cover for the ninth edition of the 2021 comic series, Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures. This particular issue had its story written by Daniel José Older, its artwork penciled by Toni Bruno, and was distributed by IDW Publishing as a component of Phase I of the larger Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia endeavor. His variant cover was exclusively available online for New York Comic Con on October 7, 2021, which was the day following the release of the issue's standard cover. The artist expressed his gratitude to Mark Irwin, Editorial Director at IDW Publishing, for providing him the opportunity to create the cover.

Lonergan released one of his favorite panels from The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021 without lettering.

In addition, Lonergan provided both the pencils and colors for "Crash and the Crew Do What They Do," a brief comic story included within the annual one-shot issue, The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021, which is part of the Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures series. Older was the writer of the story, and IDW Publishing released it on December 15, 2021. His involvement with the issue was initially made public on September 15 of that year, via a post on

Before the issue was released, he used his Twitter account to thank the writer and Heather Antos, the series' editor, for their contributions to the project, and he also shared some of the comic's blank page layouts. Lonergan also shared two additional unlettered artwork spreads from "Crash and the Crew Do What They Do," including one that he considered to be among his personal favorites. In a summary provided by the publisher for Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, Volume Two, a 2022 trade paperback that contained The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021, he was mistakenly identified as "Jess Lonergan."




  • Star Wars: The High Republic Show: New High Republic Wave 3 Cover Reveals, Starlight Beacon Model Unveiled, and More! on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The Fallen Star and Other Book Covers Revealed on the Star Wars: The High Republic Show on (backup link)
  • The High Republic Adventures (2021) 9
  • New IDW Comic Book Brings Together All Five Lead Story Architects of STAR WARS: THE HIGH REPUBLIC for the First Time on IDW Publishing's official website (backup link)
  • The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021
  • Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, Volume Two
  • Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, Volume Three
  • Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures — The Monster of Temple Peak and Other Stories

Notes and references

  • Official website (backup link)
  • This Are Jesse Lonergan on Blogspot (backup link)
  • Jesse Lonergan (@theartofjesselonergan) on Facebook (backup link)
  • Jesse Lonergan (@jesse.lonergan) on Instagram (backup link)
  • Jesse Lonergan on LinkedIn (screenshot)
  • JESSE LONERGAN on Tumblr (backup link)
  • Jesse Lonergan ( @jesselonergans ) on Twitter (backup link)
  • Jesse Lonergan on (backup link)
  • Jesse Lonergan on the official comiXology website (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • Jesse Lonergan on Dark Horse Comics' official website (backup link)
  • Jesse Lonergan on Goodreads' official website (backup link)
  • Jesse Lonergan on Penguin Random House's official website (backup link)
  • Jesse Lonergan on Simon & Schuster's official website (backup link)
