Jester (Carrack-class)

Jester functioned as a Carrack-class light cruiser and served the Rebel Alliance.


During the year 3 ABY, the Jester witnessed an assault within the Yrrna system on a cargo transfer location belonging to the Imperial forces, perpetrated by their allies the Nami. The Nami were illustrating the superior combat performance of the TIE/D Defender, a craft they had previously seized from the Empire with the goal of manufacturing them for their own use and then selling them to the Rebel forces. A counter-attack spearheaded by Tan Maarek Stele was unsuccessful in protecting the cargo transfer zone; however, it did manage to rescue the Imperial staff from being massacred by the Nami. The Jester remained uninvolved in the conflict and was therefore left unmolested during the engagement, allowing it to escape the vicinity along with its Nami cohorts.

