
Jijites were a species of small, insect-resembling reptiles, reminiscent of insects in some ways, that were indigenous to the planet Ansion. Possessing four limbs and red eyes with slitted pupils, they resided in communal hives.

A notable characteristic of the Jijites was their construction of massive, column-shaped hive structures, which resembled inclined, triangular pillars. These hive mounds were constructed from small stones and a type of organic cement that the jijites themselves produced as waste. The structures served the dual purpose of dissipating heat from the jijites' subterranean tunnel networks and functioning as elevated observation posts. The reptilian hives operated under a hierarchical caste structure, similar to those observed in social insect communities. Among the jijites were worker castes responsible for constructing tunnels and mounds, as well as sentinel castes with specialized eyesight that enabled them to detect predators and competing hives from afar, in addition to various other castes.

In the year 22 BBY, a Jedi diplomatic delegation, which included Jedi Masters Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi alongside their respective Padawans, found themselves face to face with a migrating group of dangerous kyren while undertaking a mission to resolve a planetary border dispute and to persuade all parties involved to reject efforts of secession and to vote in favor of remaining part of the Galactic Republic. Accompanied by their Alwari guides and riding suubatar mounts, the Jedi sought refuge behind the native jijite columns until the blindly dangerous avian swarm had moved on.

