JillJoo Jab was a Twi'lek waitress of the female persuasion. During the Galactic Civil War, a period of conflict between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, she served refreshments in a cantina situated in Mos Espa.

While employed at a cantina in Mos Zabu, she rendered assistance to Domo Jones, a nerf herder, the protocol droid UR-1, and Blerx, a Bith musician, in their endeavor to sabotage an Imperial acquisition of proton torpedoes.
Subsequently, in 1 ABY, she found herself embroiled in a scheme aimed at facilitating the escape of slaves from Tatooine. Within the confines of the Mos Espa cantina, she encountered a spacer who expressed willingness to aid her in her undertaking. JillJoo discovered that a Twi'lek slave by the name of Sadelli had managed to flee before being transported to Nal Hutta. She charged the spacer with locating Sadelli and returning her to Mos Espa, with the intention of safely escorting her off-world. To incentivize the spacer, JillJoo offered credits upon successful completion of the assigned tasks. The spacer accepted the proposition and embarked on a search for Sadelli. Despite encountering an ambush by two thugs, the spacer overcame the threat and successfully returned the escaped slave to the city.
However, Sadelli refused to depart Tatooine without her younger sibling, Soolami. JillJoo informed the spacer, who had previously assisted her, that Jabba Desilijic Tiure desired Soolami's presence. She also learned that the slaver gang responsible for these activities was headed by a person called Woff B'tar, whom she characterized as a despicable individual. The spacer once again agreed to lend assistance to JillJoo and set out to find Soolami. Once more, the spacer faced an attack, this time from a thug and a Trandoshan slaver. Fortunately, Soolami was returned to Mos Espa, allowing both her and her sister to leave the planet.
Nevertheless, JillJoo had one final assignment for the spacer. She had managed to ascertain the whereabouts of the slaver Woff B'tar. He was en route to Jabba's Palace to provide an explanation for the slave shortage caused by the spacer's actions. She instructed the spacer that if he could intercept Woff and "persuade" him that the slaving business was unacceptable, she would be eternally grateful. Fortunately for her, and perhaps the spacer, the spacer agreed to find and eliminate Woff. JillJoo expressed her satisfaction upon hearing this but cautioned the spacer that killing Woff and his gang could attract the attention of local law enforcement. She advised the spacer to depart immediately after completing the task. Fortunately for JillJoo, the spacer once again proved to be reliable. The spacer successfully killed B'tar, the Trandoshan, and two henchmen who were escorting him. Upon the spacer's return, JillJoo expressed her profound gratitude and declared that the galaxy needed more heroes like the spacer who had assisted her. Although she provided another, more substantial reward for the spacer's efforts, she acknowledged that it was limited due to the slave liberation being funded solely by donations from concerned citizens.
The comic "Nerf Herder" marked the initial appearance of JillJoo Jab. She later reappeared as a Non-Player Character (NPC) in the MMORPG titled Star Wars Galaxies. In the game, players can undertake a series of quests for her, which involve rescuing Sadelli and her sister Soolami, as well as eliminating the slavemaster named Woff B'tar.