Jonra Far, originating from Onderon, was a Twi'lek female celebrated for her skills as a swoop racer. Her reputation was built on possessing the most impressive swoop racing statistics on Onderon. She held a low opinion of Panar due to his thuggish nature, and similarly disdained M'sadaar, criticizing his motivation to race solely for credits. A fervent supporter of General Vaklu during the Onderon Civil War, which she referred to as "the Struggle," she encountered Meetra Surik in the Iziz cantina and tried to persuade her to race on Vaklu's side. Surik surpassed Panar's best times on two occasions, and subsequently outpaced M'sadaar. During her impending face-off with Jonra, Surik not only shattered her own previous record, but still managed to defeat it.
Surik's influence was something she hoped would be used to bolster support for the struggle; however, Surik chose to assist Queen Talia in maintaining the Republic's control over Onderon. Colonel Tobin, Vaklu's second-in-command, tried to sabotage a meeting Surik arranged between Jedi Master [Kavar]((/article/kavar), but Surik eliminated his troops. Following this event, Jonra Far became convinced that Vaklu would ultimately pursue her.