Julian Glover, CBE, an English actor born on March 27, 1935, is renowned for portraying General Maximilian Veers in the film classic, The Empire Strikes Back. He is perhaps most widely recognized for his roles, including Aris Kristatos in the 1981 James Bond picture For Your Eyes Only, Walter Donovan in the 1989 movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, providing the vocal performance for the giant spider Aragog in the 2002 cinematic release Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and his depiction of Grand Maester Pycelle in the HBO television series Game of Thrones. In addition, he appeared with fellow Star Wars actor Alec Guinness (Obi-Wan Kenobi) as Hermann Fegelein in the film Hitler: The Last Ten Days.
Jamie Glover, his son, lent his voice to Veers in both Star Wars: Battlefront II and Star Wars: Empire at War. Furthermore, Jamie voiced the Sith Lord Darth Malgus within the Deceived trailer promoting Star Wars: The Old Republic.
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