
K'aargs were towering, two-legged reptilian humanoids originating from the planet of Shira. They were known for their lack of friendliness and inspired fear due to their mouths filled with pointed teeth.

Biology and appearance

On the jungle planet Shira, situated within the Outer Rim Territories, the K'aarg species evolved as reptilian, sentient bipeds. These saurian beings typically measured between 1.8 and 2.2 meters in height and possessed bodies covered with scaly plates. Sharp spikes extended from various locations on their bodies, such as their forearms, upper thighs, and shoulders. Each hand featured five digits, including an opposable thumb. Their feet terminated in three clawed toes pointing forward. Their faces were completely hairless, and they had broad mouths packed with sharp teeth. Fleshy features were also present above their eyes, along with a pair of round eyes facing forward.


The ancestors of the K'aarg on Shira once formed a developed civilization, evidenced by the ruins of a sizable city nestled within a canyon. However, thousands of years later, the K'aargs existed at a lower technology level, somewhere between the Stone Age and feudal times. They lived in caves and were a rather basic society, organized into small clans. In terms of combat, K'aargs primarily used swords, axes, and bows.

After an unidentified Nightsister experienced a crash landing on Shira, the K'aargs swiftly accepted her as a goddess, albeit a savage one. Those who openly defied her were transformed into mindless servants called "the Chosen of the Goddess." These Chosen ones rose to positions of power within the clans. Eventually, some K'aargs abandoned their clans and embraced a nomadic lifestyle, hoping to free themselves from the sorceress's influence.

Behind the scenes

The K'aargs appeared for the first and only time in "« Elle »," a role-playing scenario featured in the 109st issue of the French gaming publication Casus Belli.

