This particular being was a Human female Nightsister originating from the planet of Dathomir. Her given name remains a mystery, with others simply knowing her as "She".
The Human female, who would later be known as "She," came into existence on the planet Dathomir. She was a part of the Nightsisters, a group comprised of Force-sensitive women who channeled the dark side of the Force. Approximately a century before the Galactic Civil War, this witch somehow managed to flee a Jedi intervention on her native world. She secretly boarded a starship that had made a stopover on the planet. When the ship's crew discovered her hidden presence, she was compelled to utilize her powers against them. However, the captain momentarily regained consciousness and programmed the navicomputer to crash the ship, hoping to eliminate the witch.
The Nightsister survived the crash landing on the planet Shira, but she found herself unable to repair the damaged starship, effectively trapping her on the jungle planet indefinitely. To ensure her survival, she exploited her abilities to dominate the indigenous K'aargs, a race of sentient reptilian beings. These lizard-like humanoids began to worship the witch as a deity, referring to her as the Goddess. When displeased with a subject's actions, the Nightsister would transform them into mindless servants, inducting them into the "Chosen of the Goddess." During the Galactic Civil War, when archaeologist Jonas Tylers arrived on Shira to investigate ancient ruins, the Dathomiri witch finally identified a means of escape.
According to human cultural norms, the marooned Nightsister possessed the appearance of a "beautiful young woman in a long black dress." Standing at 1.70 meters tall, she had a slim build and sharp facial features. Her complexion was pale, and a lengthy cascade of black hair flowed down her back.
This witch typically engaged in combat using a weighted staff, and she had also received training in hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting techniques. She could harness the dark side of the Force for offensive purposes, manifesting it as Force lightning. Uniquely, this witch possessed the rare ability of metamorphosis, allowing her to assume the form of other beings. Furthermore, she appeared to demonstrate aptitude for precognition, enabling her to anticipate impending dangers or unusual events.
This unidentified Nightsister has only been featured in the French RPG magazine Casus Belli 109. In the original narrative, she was referred to as « Elle » (always enclosed in quotation marks), which is simply the French pronoun for "She".
The story does not explicitly state the time frame in which it unfolds, but the presence of the Barabel pirate Vangar suggests that it occurred during the Rebellion era.